Welcome to the role of a Dispensing Optician, this is my blog about my job so please feel free to leave comments as all can.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Why do people expect far too much

I wonder, why am I still trying to explain why somebody is unable to see as well as they want to makes me think why and what are optometrists doing?

The most frustrating thing is that they don't understand that they are unable to see as well as they uses to. I get I want stronger specs that will help me see or just give me more powerful reading glasses. Why do optometrists think that not ensuring that the patient understands what they have just told them is exceptable. I think I know because they don't have to deal with the after effects that comes to me the dispensing optician and then when you book a patient in to see the same optometrist they don't want to see them. The only answer I can come up with is that they do not know how to deal with the general public and are unable to communicate to them why they can't see as well as they want too

The other thing is why do people think that a pair of specs will answer all of their problems. The answer to that is not as easy the main thing that I have discovered is that they do not want to take ownership of a problem or responsibility for something that is within their control ie putting on a pair of specs. I guess they want a one size fits all answer and a pill to take to make it all better. If only it worked that way my life would be so simple but dull I guess. The real thing is that the dispensing optician is not only a valuable team member but a counclier and peace maker as well. The role is so different each day I love it.

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