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Monday 2 December 2013

VDU and Reading whats the difference

Reading glasses.  In optical terms reading is normal between 25-35 cm working distance.  So a VDU (computer screen) is normal 45-55 cm.  You can guess where this is going the two are not the same so you will not be able to see your VDU in reading spectacle UNLESS  you have told the Optometrist that you want to be able to see at that longer distance, and they had given you a compromised reading addition.

So what are your options if you have not advised the optometrist.  Well you have three really.  One tell the dispensing optician that you want to be able to use a VDU and they are able to adapt the reading addition to enable you to be able to see the VDU.  Then so you can have a pair purely for the VDU and any Arms length distance.
Two you can have an enhanced reading lens, this will give you both reading and VDU range.  This is not a progressive lenses (varifocal) but what we call a degressive lens.  There is a little distortion on the very edge of the lens.
Three you can go for a progressive lens, the only problem here is the limited VDU area in a progressive lens.  All progressive lenses will have an area for the VDU but the shallow designs will not be as suitable as the progression length is very short.

So the three options are all suitable but my personal preference is the second for two reasons.  The first being that you have a pair of spectacles that you will be able to use for more than one visual task.  The second is that I am a firm believer in have a pair of spectacles for specific task.

So why do so many people not get this well ask anybody what they consider to be a reading distance and I am sure you will have an answer to arms length.  the second is people do not always tell the optometrist that they are wanting to be able to see a VDU and the last is they don't tell the optical adviser.  The optometrist will hand over to the adviser or Dispensing Optician and may not mention your wish to use a VDU as you may not have not told him or her, and they are trying to sum up what you need visually .  My advise always tell the adviser what you plan to use your spectacles for, never assume the adviser or Dispensing Optician will ask, we are only human and can forget to ask at times.